Successful cooperation between Symbol and SamenTwente – an inspiring case study
SamenTwente, formerly Regio Twente, is at the forefront of a healthy, safe and vital Twente. It is the umbrella organization of GGD Twente, Safe Home Twente and OZJT/Samen14 – the cooperation between the fourteen Twente municipalities in the field of youth aid and Wmo care.
In recent months, two consultants from Symbol have helped SamenTwente improve key processes as well as turn ISO9001 certification into a success.
Already positive experiences with Symbol
Sander Engbers
“For the past two years, all our pillars have been focused on the pandemic, in part because the GGD falls under SamenTwente.
As a result,optimizing our processes has beenat a standstill for a long time.
Especially regarding the processes around ICT, we wanted to take a big step forward, and we could use some extra capacity and external expertise.
We also wanted to get the document and process management in order in the business management department and we wanted to prepare Safe Home Twente for ISO9001 certification.
We already had positive experiences with Symbol as a trainer and as a supervisor of specific improvement projects, so the choice to invite them to participate in the tender was quickly made,” says Sander Engbers, Director of Operations and chairman of the steering committee.
Internal awareness, part of success
“Symbol eventually won the tender and put forward a senior consultant – Ruud Sweelssen – as well as a junior consultant – Fenna de Jong – to guide us. If you ask me, this combination was a big part of the success,” says Engbers. “Strange eyes compel, of course, but people are always busy. You can want a lot, but the time and therefore the will to do something extra is limited. So at the first steering committee meeting I expected the question, “We would like to start, but Sander … Can you make sure people actually make time?” However, that question did not come – something that positively surprised me. This is due to Ruud and Fenna’s attitude and their cooperation with each other and with our people. It wasn’t them against us – no, they felt like colleagues and had a set spot in the department where people could easily seek them out. Ruud went on to bring clarity as a senior and with it a piece of calm. To her credit, Fenna brought a flurry of enthusiasm and energy as a junior. Together they really managed to encourage and motivate our people to take up tasks and take responsibility.”
A new way of meeting
Ruud and Fenna also like the fact that they could take on the project together at SamenTwente: “Two senior consultants would be too heavy, two junior consultants too light. This was a perfect combination for us. Together we then tried to motivate people in such a way that they felt that the processes were theirs, not ours. Every week we scheduled a meeting with the project teams to discuss progress. In doing so, we introduced a new way of meeting for SamenTwente. We worked with a standard agenda and action point list. If it was necessary to dwell a little longer on a particular subject than the agenda allowed, we would separate this from the meeting and schedule a new time for it. In this way we ensured progress, but also left enough room to go in-depth. Partly because of this, we were able to achieve results.”
Ready for the audit
And it didn’t do SamenTwente any favors. Engbers: “As a steering committee, we were able to keep ticking off actions because Ruud and Fenna were very goal-oriented. Besides their attitude, their knowledge certainly also played a role in the success. Because they provided us with the right Lean tools, people were soon able to work on their own and we were able to make quick steps.” But what are the concrete results? “To begin with, the pre-audit for ISO9001 certification went well,” Ruud says. “We indicated from a GAP analysis what needed to be done, but then left the ball with Safe Home Twente. A concrete example is the context analysis that had to be carried out. Fenna and I gave examples for this and then we supported the employees in making their own version. We discussed this together and refined it further and further. This kept it manageable: if you keep taking small steps, people are less likely to get overwhelmed and stay busy. And now Safe Home Twente is ready for the real audit.”
More done than imagined and expected
Furthermore, as far as the processes surrounding ICT are concerned, SamenTwente is in the completion phase. “Configuration management, incident management and change management: we took it one step at a time,” says Fenna. “In addition, the ICT manuals have been reduced from 600 to 300 and made easier to find for the people in the organization. Document and process management is also currently being rolled out further. I am taking on this as interim quality advisor – a role that arose during the process after an internal employee left.” Sander adds: “I already notice that policy notes are being updated better. And we have even been able to do more than we had anticipated. For example, the processes around procurement were not part of the initial assignment, but by now three of the five of these processes have been picked up anyway. All in all, together we have achieved a great result!”
Want to know more?
Want to learn more about Symbol’s project approach? Then contact us at 053 – 20 30 240 or using the form below. Do you want to train yourself in process optimization? Then check out our Lean Green Belt and Lean Black Belt training courses!