Slokker Construction Group: enthusiasm and effectiveness

Slokker Bouwgroep, Huizen branch, decided to embrace Lean two years ago. In both the preliminary stage (in the office) and in execution (on the construction site). Symbol supervised the office planning session and took a coaching role in the execution of several projects.

“The risk of consulting with a large group of people is that you drive home after the time and think, ‘It was fun, but we didn’t accomplish anything together.’ Thanks to Symbol B.V., the opposite happened,” indicates Marc Hoornstra, project manager at Slokker Bouwgroep Huizen.

Employees tacked on despite suspicion

Marc himself is a big proponent of Lean in construction, but still found implementing it quite exciting. “In the beginning, our employees were quite suspicious of it. That won’t work,” was a common reaction. During the process, the employees in the implementation all changed their minds. That positively surprised me.”

Big steps forward thanks to good preparation

“I was impressed by the good preparation of the Lean planning session by Symbol B.V. Lucas Keijzer made sure that the right people came together in the right place and that they knew exactly what was expected of them. So almost everyone came to the session well prepared. As a result, we were able to consult with each other very effectively and make great strides.” Lean planning was complete in two sessions. “The atmosphere was positive. The few who had not prepared the first time were prepared the second time. That way we encouraged each other.”

Sufficient distance for a fresh perspective

Another important advantage of using Symbol B.V. “Lucas has extensive experience in the construction world, but is not in it himself. This allows him enough distance to look at it fresh. Lucas takes you out of your own world and holds up a mirror to you. I found that very meaningful.”

Sticking with the Lean mindset

Marc points out that it is subsequently difficult to keep the Lean mindset, though. “As much as everyone is convinced of the benefits, you still quickly end up in the old pattern. This happens unnoticed. Lucas continued to play a coaching role throughout the implementation process, which was very helpful. I recommend that to everyone as well. Lucas made everyone aware of the Lean process and its benefits again for a moment.”

“Thanks to its extensive experience in construction and yet sufficient distance, Symbol Construction can take people out of their ‘construction world’ and hold up a mirror. For me, that made a lot of sense.”

Marc Hoornstra, Slokker Construction Group