Learning organization
This element focuses on creating what is known as a learning organization. In a learning organization, attention is paid to both visible and invisible aspects, both of which are part of the organization’s DNA.
In a learning organization, mistakes are not punished but seen as an opportunity to improve the organization. Employees are encouraged to further develop their competencies through training involvement in improvement projects.
“If something fails, you have not failed but learned.”
An organization must ensure that it has a diverse and complementary team of employees. Employees should further demonstrate flexibility and proactive contribution in solving problems and continuously improving processes. The organization must continuously work to develop employees’ competencies through training and coaching. Competence can be defined as the demonstrated ability to apply knowledge, skills and personal attributes effectively. Other definitions use the terms “attitude” and/or “behavior” instead of “personal characteristics.
Employees should have the opportunity to learn from others by working together in teams with colleagues, suppliers and customers. The organization must inspire employees to develop. It is also important to recognize and value those with unique product knowledge and personal competencies. Successful performance requires a mix of knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviors.
A learning organization focuses on the following elements:
- Employees are inspired to achieve good results.
- Making mistakes is an opportunity to learn and grow.
- The organization has a diverse and complementary workforce.
- The organization grows through collaboration with suppliers and/or customers.
- The organization has an active program for developing competencies.