Process Mining

Process Mining relies on data to provide process insight. Process Mining relies on data to provide process insight. It gives you an immediate picture of process flow and process performance, and also indicates where improvements are needed.
1 day
Certificate of Attendance
Study load: 16 hours

Process Mining is the analysis technique that reveals the true performance of a process.


  • Process Mining gives you at-a-glance insight into the performance of your processes
  • Process Mining is a data-driven, digital representation of your process
  • After attending this training, you will be able to apply Process Mining in your own organization and quickly realize improvements in your process performance

  Process Mining is the analysis technique that makes it possible to understand the actual processes at a glance. In addition to the process flow, you also get instant insight into process performance such as processing times, wait times, lead times and rework. This makes Process Mining a valuable addition to the Lean Six Sigma toolbox. Process Mining is a data-driven way of providing process insight. Unlike creating a Value Stream or modeling the process, you rely on data, also known as an event log, to get a true picture of both the process flow and process performance. In doing so, don’t just look at the “happy flow,” but see all the possible variations that can occur. In the digital age, more and more tasks are being automated or supported by systems. The data produced in the process is the new starting point for improving the process. It details the order in which tasks are performed. A way to quickly see how the process works or in what situations the procedure is deviated from. You can thus quickly uncover bottlenecks and quantify improvement potential. Examples include rework, lead times, processing times, work inventory, variants in the process, skipping mandatory activities, and determining if 4-eye checks always take place. A practical example? Veco, manufacturer of precision parts, has successfully put Process Mining into practice. In short, for a Lean Six Sigma professional, Process Mining becomes an indispensable tool to improve the digital process.  

For whom

This training is designed for anyone involved in visualizing, monitoring and improving processes. The skills from this training are immediately applicable in Lean Six Sigma projects.  


After this training, you will know the benefits and application areas of Process Mining, and be able to apply Process Mining in your own organization.  

Enrollment opportunities



Contents of the Process Mining training course

This training is provided by our partner Fluxicon. The trainer from Fluxicon is Process Mining expert Rudi Niks. The training is structured practically, ensuring that you can apply Process Mining to Lean Six Sigma projects. We alternate theory with many exercises and practical examples. Topics include:

  • Introduction to Process Mining
  • Complexity of processes
  • Collecting data
  • Data quality
  • Process Analysis
  • Performance Analysis
  • Scaling processes into quadrants
  • Case studies and examples:
    • Practical examples
    • Hands-on example of a procurement process
    • Example of a refund process



HBO level.  


1 day.  

Study Load

Typically, one hour of class means one hour of study. The total course load for this one-day course is then about 16 hours.


The training provides a digital book for each participant.  


The price for the training is €695 and includes:

  • Training manual containing all presentations
  • Training license from Disco
  • Certificate of Attendance
  • Lunch
  • Webinars and events

(Listed prices do not include VAT)

Certificate of Attendance

After attending this training you will receive a certificate of participation.