Terms & Conditions

The following is an abbreviated summary of our terms and conditions and conditions for special promotions. You will also find our copyright statement and complaint rules here. You can read the privacy statement at this link.


After registering, you will receive an email confirming your registration. For online registrations, this registration confirmation serves as an order confirmation. You will receive an invitation and directions approximately two weeks before the training begins.


Cancellation and transfer

After signing up, there is a 14 business day reflection period during which you can cancel. No payment will be billed when annulment of the training is done more than four (4) weeks before the start of the concerning training. Further conditions for cancellation and transfer can be found in the general terms and conditions.


Examination Provisions

When participating in an examination, the examination regulations of the certification body apply. When participating in an exam, you must be able to provide identification. The certificate will show name and date of birth as indicated on the registration form.



All prices quoted are exclusive of VAT and must be paid inclusive of VAT. Billing for multi-day training sessions will take place in its entirety the week the training starts. The payment period is 30 days. Billing for the exams is done by the LSSA BV. The billing address will be the address indicated on the registration form. If you would like a purchase number listed on the invoice, please indicate this on the registration form.



The copyright of the training materials is held by Symbol BV. All materials, both physical and digital, provided to you during the training are for your own use only. No part of our materials may be reproduced, stored in a computerized database and/or disclosed in any form or manner, whether electronically, mechanically, by photocopying or in any other way without Symbol BV’s prior written consent.


Complaint Procedure

Symbol BV ensures that services to its customers are provided in a careful manner. To constantly improve its quality, surveys are conducted. Any complaints can be indicated at sales@symbol.nl. The handling of complaints is described in our complaints procedure.


Have questions? Feel free to call 053-2030240 or send your message to info@symbol.nl.